964 Votes by Daniel Super, Nicholas Tomlin, David Lawson, and 961 more.
I’m way too fucking important to let anyone make me hate them. You are too.
Hate is a miserable, tiring, trying, debilitating thing. It will cripple your mind and ruin your potential.
I try not to hate. But I do get angry at people. This is how I deal with it. I call it The Drilldown Method.
I ask myself why I am angry at this person. Then I ask myself why that is the case. Then again. And again…
I keep drilling down until I get to the most fundamental driver of my anger.
Usually has something to do with how this person is making me feel, not related to who they actually are. I get angry because I’m protecting something about myself that is weak or underdeveloped. I’m afraid.
Always start with your fears (this guy knew what he was talking about.)
If I address my fear and fix it, then who cares about hating someone? Not me. Not worth it.
Here is an example:
Let’s say I’m mad at someone on Quora for writing bad things about me. I might get really angry and that might lead to hate.
Commence Drill Down:
I ask myself, Why am I angry at this person or even hate them? Because they are being a jerk. But why does that bother me? Because they are judging me for no reason. But why does that bother me? Because they think what I write is crap. But why does that bother me? Because…what if they are right?!
Oh my goodness, I’m insecure and this trigged my insecurity, and THAT is what I need to get over. Because if I’m not insecure, then I would see such comments and the person who wrote them as thoughtful advice (or bullshit.) But not as someone worth hating. Certainly not.
Hate is a miserable, tiring, trying, debilitating thing. It will cripple your mind and ruin your potential.
I try not to hate. But I do get angry at people. This is how I deal with it. I call it The Drilldown Method.
I ask myself why I am angry at this person. Then I ask myself why that is the case. Then again. And again…
I keep drilling down until I get to the most fundamental driver of my anger.
Usually has something to do with how this person is making me feel, not related to who they actually are. I get angry because I’m protecting something about myself that is weak or underdeveloped. I’m afraid.
If I address my fear and fix it, then who cares about hating someone? Not me. Not worth it.
Here is an example:
Let’s say I’m mad at someone on Quora for writing bad things about me. I might get really angry and that might lead to hate.
Commence Drill Down:
I ask myself, Why am I angry at this person or even hate them? Because they are being a jerk. But why does that bother me? Because they are judging me for no reason. But why does that bother me? Because they think what I write is crap. But why does that bother me? Because…what if they are right?!
Oh my goodness, I’m insecure and this trigged my insecurity, and THAT is what I need to get over. Because if I’m not insecure, then I would see such comments and the person who wrote them as thoughtful advice (or bullshit.) But not as someone worth hating. Certainly not.
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